Saturday, April 4, 2015


After a massive writer's block (and I'm blaming it on my PC who gave up on me over a year ago), I'm finally blogging again! Woohoo~

But just to get things started this will be a really short update as to what's happening after much procrastination. =.=''' Okay maybe this is pure laziness.

1. I've gotten myself a new laptop! Woohoo~
With all the GST hype, I've finally convinced myself it's time to get a new laptop. Didn't even research on what types of laptop there are in the market, boldly believing in my friend Izzy the IT whiz (aka Izzy Wizzy). So as Izzy-knows-best, I've gotten the Dell Inspiron 14 3000 series. To get an idea what it looks like...


Isn't she a beauty. Yes my computer is a she. Lol. I consider myself as a zero-IT, So I'm still getting used to this laptop being Windows 8 and all (last laptop was Acer and I was still using Windows XP) *shakes head in horror* So time for a change!

2. Still a lowly HO
Why I say lowly? Well this will take too long to explain in this post. Lots of sentiments within me currently. To sum it all up, I still love my job, most of it anyways, however, I'm not too happy with the way the public is judging my colleagues and I. All negatve reviews as if none of us are functional. At times I would even think why bother? You'd just be pull down even more/not like you'd get merit for it? Nonetheless, we're in a service industry. Patients in the ward actually look upon us, trusting themselves, their family to us for them to get better. So it's really a sticky situation. More about it in the next posts.

3. Thinking about specialising
I've always loved surgery back in medical school. So much so that I even opted for general surgery when I was doing my electives back in Australia. How things have changed in a span of about 2 years. Don't think surgery is my cup of tea (although the satisfaction of successfully performing an I&D of an abscess is priceless), I'm seriously not good at holding laparoscopic cameras. =.=''' And with surgery advancing into more of 'keyhole surgery', I just don't think that'd be my pathway in the future. Still dwelling on as to whether I should get into paediatrics (just missing out on my MRCPCH registration date). Plus I wouldn't have time to study wih ED being the last department. OMG I'd be an MO come September! The thought of it is terrifying and with the future still blurry, I think I should start to really put some thoughts into it.

There's actually more to update on, but heading for tennis soon! So till the next post!


1 comment:

Blublu1101 said...
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