Friday, November 18, 2011

See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil

It's funny how some people only remember you at times of needs. If we were close buddies I wouldn't mind lending a helping hand. But when this happens to just acquaintances whom you barely speak a word or two in a year, or those whom even speak badly behind your backs, now wouldn't all your guards be rising up? You wouldn't help but think to yourself, why should I help you when you only remember me whenever you need me? So I choose to adopt the technique below:

See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil

I think I should just enjoy my last day of holidays before I ponder on whether to help or not. If not it will just ruin my whole day! Till the next post!


Thinking too much

It's November peeps! My favorite month of the year! (yes I'm bias cause my birthday's coming!) Am on holiday now, so this explains why I'm updating my blog.

Got together with a bunch of friends a few days back, just hanging out all day long with no specific agenda in hand. With all of us now in different postings and different districts in Sabah, it gets even harder to get everyone together to just share a laughter or two or just to catch up with each other. I miss those times tremendously! While we were chatting, we actually ended up googling ourselves online and turns out, mine came out with the most search results thanks to the blog. Looking back at the posts, I really did spend a lot of my time on it during the last few years. With 4-5 posts at least every month now turns to only 1 post a month. So early new years resolution, update blog more!

I know it's late now in M'sia, but I've just got this naggy feeling inside of me. Been there since this evening. If you've gone through my old posts, you would probably know I over-analyze stuff all the time. In other words, I think too much or am just over-sensitive. Yes, this issue is coming up again. So how now?

Yet again my mind is playing his tricks on me. I hate it when this happens. Don't worry, I do not have any hallucinations or delusions. The thought is still shake-able if discussed. I've always wanted to be the take-it-as-it-is kinda person, or whatever kinda person, but it just don't seem to work most of the time. Even now when I'm writing this I am confused as to where my thoughts are heading.

I've always believed in star signs (I mean zodiacs). A statement seem to stick with me for a tad too long. It says "Sagitarrians are pessimists when it comes to love and relationships". Judging on these past few months or these past few years, I can't help but agree. Another example of thinking too much and trying to link everything up together. To break myself free from this, I think i should turn my thinking cap off for a moment and just think of how blessed I am currently. I know I am a very lucky girl, to be blessed with all great things in life. But the human in me just can't help to want more, making me the ungrateful b*tch that I am currently. I think writing this at 1.35am in the morning just makes things worst. 

For now I think I should just enjoy the small things in life. Take a look back from time to time and just smile. Making myself stress over these things will just make things worst. I think I have too much time in hand that's making my PMS go to a whole new level. Till the next post!
