Friday, June 10, 2011

Put Yourself in Their Shoes for a Day and You'd See How Lucky You and I are

So I've finally started my first rotation of my fourth year. As fate have decided, I have been posted to Psychiatry posting. The nervousness going into this posting was real unbearable at times, but somehow I survived my first week in Bukit Padang Hospital. 

Once everyone hears of the word psychiatric patient, I'm guessing everyone will have the fear. Fear of them going wild; fear of being attacked; fear of being disturbed. Yes, typical me did go through the same thing. It didn't help with me having a memory of someone close to me, having a psychiatric problem, and having to shout at my brother like there's no tomorrow. The image of what happened that fateful day is still clear in my mind as there was nothing I could do to protect my brother. As much as my brother and I fought when we were younger, no one had the right to scold him for something he didn't do! I was so helpless that time, and thank god he did not attacked my brother. The fear still haunts me till this date...

So coming back to the original story.. The 5 days I have spent in the hospital has seriously changed my perception over people with mental illness. Think all people who are mentally ill are uncontrollable, violent or just plain scary? Well no really. Dementia patients are also categorized as patient with mental problems. They couldn't care for themselves and them being so old and fragile being left in the hospital is just heart breaking at times. How about depression? It's also a serious mental problem. I've seen for myself, depressed patients or even patients with anxiety disorders coming in seeking treatment. How helpless they must be feeling? Put yourself in their shoes and imagine this. How awful it must be to be sad, unhappy and unmotivated to continue on your life? Or how about having to constantly fear your surroundings? It must be tough on them.

Mental illness also targets the younger generation. Yes! Children as young as 1 years old can have mental problems. Seen a child with autism, down syndrome or a hyperactive child before? All these are common mental problems that often occur in children. Today I had the privileged of witnessing how the Child Enrichment and Intervention Centre work in Bukit Padang Hospital. Watching the hyperactive child jumping up and down, struggling to keep his eyes on his work, having a temper of his own... It was all such an eye opener. Think being a parent is tough? Try being a parent to a child with mental disorder.

Now you must wonder why do I say that? Take a hyperactive child as an example. You'll need to pay that much more attention at him or her, fearing he might just bang his head on the wall, grasp something and put into his mouth. I've even heard stories today about how a child got into a ferry and was shipped to Labuan! Imagine the fear of his parents! Another horrifying story is of a young child who strangled 3 kittens and placed them into the fridge. How frightening that can be! It's tough. They're your child. Somehow I guess you would blame yourself for things that happen to them. It's so tough on you physically as well as emotionally. Like today, the 5 year old child, cute as a button, jumps and play like any other normal kids you see out on the streets. But till date, he doesn't even know how to utter the word 'mummy'. With him running here and there, struggling to finish his puzzles, it's just heart wrenching.

Don't get me wrong in saying these kids are all bad. There's always that little moment that makes you go 'awww'. Take the 5 year old child for example, everytime he finishes a puzzle, he'll clap hand and laugh. It's so touching to see that and you can't help but just smile. When he was heading back, he even came and shake and kiss our hands. =) There's another kid in particular who came today, let's name him W. So W was on art therapy today. He finished his coloring so obediently. However when it came to drawing, he suddenly threw a temper and refused to even stare at any of us. There was once he even uttered a bad word and pointed his middle finger! >.< But with much persuasion, he finally gave in. During play time, we kinda bonded and he was such an angel. I'm smiling while writing this.

All in all, psychiatric patients are just like you and I, they need to be loved and cared. Once I gotten passed my childhood fear, things have been looking much better. I don't know how I'd fair in this posting, but I guess it'll really be an eye opening experience for me. I can guarantee that much. Till the next post!


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