Monday, September 8, 2008

August at a glance...

Seems like just yesterday I came to Sabah now August over d.. Start of September, start of something new? Macam lagu High School Musical pula! Hehehehe.. So just take you on a tour on the highlights of events occuring throughout the month of August la..

First up, 5S. Sure wondering apa tu kan? to make it short n simple, it's basically cleaning up our class or 'lecture hall' la.. As in Hippocrates tambah 8 discussion rooms that we have. Sepatutnya semua org dlm class dtg. Tapi as usual la, ada yg tak dtg.. Tapi most importantly, the class was sparkling clean lepas hari tu.. Weeee~

So here's the lecture room.. cleaning in progress..

Nak sangat take more picture, tapi i sebagai one of those ppl over semangat, sure la buat kerja la.. Alasan! So no more pics.. hahahaha.. lepas cleaning up, mestilah self-reward sedikit kan? Yogurberry! hahahahaha.. Susah nak dapat ice-cream tau here.. hehehehe.. let y'all hv a look..

The place isn't tat bad rite?

Our ice-cream!!


We ate till not a single drop was left on the bowl.. sedap la.. hehehehe.. next time go again la.. c when.. been ages since i last went 1borneo.. So lepas Yogurberry episode, next to some Sabah experience.. Pesta Kaamatan celebration in UMS itself.. Went wit gr8 hopes of finding interesting stuff.. but in the end.. anyway it was not too bad la.. had some fun oso la.. Pics!

The gals n I arriving in Chancellori hall..
I dunno wat we were trying to do.. hehehe..
Masuk je since not yet start.. tangkap gambar!!
Lepas tu start persembahan..
The 'highlight' for the nite.. Unduk Ngadau competition

All in it was a quite good experience la.. if only i've won tat printer.. hahahahaha.. of cos i remember the lucky draw.. not so lucky after all.. The high point of the nite was actually the guest appearance of Felix from AF2.. He tembam sikit d la although i'm not particularly an AF fan.. Tapi okie la.. On to next event.. the class party plus some pics of the tamu gadang held in conjunction with the convocation..

They decorated the roundabout.. very pretty~
Some stalls at tamu gadang..
The class party.. Semua berebut to get into the pic..
I've got no idea wat those 3 wanted to do..
Makan time.. l-r: Wai Leong, Michelle, Mad, Bao Ling and Jeremy
More classmates makaning..

That nite was held partly becos of Swee Chern, Zahirah and Suhail's Bd.. So lepas steamboat semua, celebrate untuk mereka ber3 la.. tapi 1 missing in action..
Pose 1.. still normal
Pose 2.. semua menjadi gila..
Say cheese!

The next day pegi la airport balik PD!! Ulmate highlight for the month of August...

Tengok Kapal terbang!!

C the aircraft pun excited.. baliking pd was really enjoyable.. so decided to post another blog on that.. so wait for that la.. cantik2 pd pics.. hehehehe.. Till the next cari pasal kat PD pic la.. hehehehe..



Ee said...

sedapnya ice cream *day dreaming* with wonderful people around memang enjoyable u kat sana.. good good..

Karleen Chong said...

wa i jz posted straight got comment.. terkejut! hahaahaaha.. enjoyable at times.. tapi at times tu... heehehehehe.. tapi it's all good~ =D

Ee said...

this is call good timing muahahaha..well you might not be enjoying ur time everyday with big group of ur friends tapi at least got la once in a while to meet up macam should stay happy ok..

Karleen Chong said...

yea true oso.. kalau everyday happie oso masalah.. tapi i think i memang got prob.. cos no matter how bad still laughing macam gila all day.. hahahaha..