Saturday, May 17, 2008

Emotional year

Today was supposed to be a happy happy day down kl and all. Don get me wrong, I did enjoy a lot on my trip to kl. Sounds silly or some says childish, I love petrosains!! It was so much fun.
U must be wondering now wat's up wit the title. truth is, I cant help but wonder is this year suppose to be the year of disasters? Year of losing ur loved ones? Year of sadness n despair? u must be wondering even more now, y so gloomy? truth be told, jz look at d chronological of these events.
First there was the early departure of Tian Leng, a fren I've got to kno a long, long time, since I was vy young as we were in the same swimmin squad. He left us late last year. Although I was not particularly close to him in whateva way, he was such a sweet guy, always with a smile. He was neva arrogant, jz lovable. How can such a guy go so early? I always wonder.. Missin him loads though. Still cant believe he's actually gone...
So at fisrt I tot okie, that's jz pure coincidence. It cant be tat tis year's a jinx or anythin. Plus tat happened like late last year. Although it happened 6 months ago, I still really cant imagine him really gone. So I just pushed that as far away from my mind as possible. But the next thing u kno, funerals come funerals keep happening. As if we r destined to lose some1 we love tis year no matter wat! My frens loved ones, named it grandparents, parents, siblings seems to be leaving us one by one. Call me superstitious, but I really dunno how to explain this...
Like today for example, I told ya at the beginning I was having a blast at the trip to kl. Next thing i kno I received a message saying my frens bro has passed away, accident. He was the pillion rider of a motorbike driven by his fren which knocked onto a car. He suffered some head injuries resulting from his helmet being flung off after he was thrown off the bike. My fren cried till her eyes were swollem red, and there were no tears left. I cant help but feel sad. That was her one and only brother. There is only 2 of them in the family plus their parents. It just so devastating. To make matters worse, she just lost her beloved grandma a few months ago. I cant help but feel so sorry for her. What I can do now is pray for her to stay strong and always be there for her. That's wat fren's are for..
Okie mayb it's just pure coincidence that Deaths are happening domestically here. Now let's look from an international point of view. Call it fate, call it coincidence. Just look at the disaster that happened recently in Myanmar and China. I cant imagine ever having to go thru wat they are goin thru now. Take China for example, this was the year of glory, happiness fro them as they are abt to host the Olympic games for the first time! Before the earthquake that crushed homes of hundreds of thousands or if not millions of ppl, let's just take a look at the torch relay that happened world wide recently. What's with all the fuss and controversy surrounding the torch relay? why cant it just start and end smoothly with ppl all over the world celebrating? Damn! Now it's as if those ppl who has been rallying, protesting got their wishes. China is facing a crisis, and it's a huge if not enormous one! I cant help but feel so down over this.. hmmmm..
Next comes Myanmar. Cyclone. When I got the news I was like wat? How can it be? And Myanmar is like our neighbour. They are just so near!! Worst part of all, Myanmar is refusing aid workers! How can we as citizens of the world help? I suddenly feel so helpless now.Writing this blog makes me realise something. Life is so short, we really must live everyday to the fullest! With no regrets what so ever as we might just leave one day without any signs. Losing your loved ones is so painful. L:ooking back at my fren, I cant imagine ever losing either one of my family members. My parents and siblings. I cant even imagine. I'd be crushed! I just cant and don wanna imagine them not being here anymore! I love them too much to ever let them leave me! How abt you? Can u? I'll leave it here for you guys to think it thru.. Till the next post... muacks.. :*
p/s: Was the lost of 5 states to the opposition party a coincidence, a curse too?

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