Saturday, March 24, 2012


It has been so long since I last blogged! 2 months just flew by in a blink of an eye literally. But I do remember going through some painful times which I will share with you later on.

I came back to my blog, in the middle of the night becos I am kinda helpless right now. Why you may ask. Well here it is. Ever had a friend/family or just some one close to you go through a rough patch or feeling down and you're left with nothing to do? I mean you do not know where to start to help them. There seem to be no way in or out of it. Well that's kinda what I'm going through. So what should I do? I think I'll just sleep on it and continue on later. *fingers crossed* Hopefully I'll manage to slot time in between my paeds posting now to blog more often. It was in my new year's resolution anyways. =P

I have already like a draft in my mind of one of the blogpost to follow this one. Watch out for it! Till the next post!


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