Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Stuck in 2 Opposite Situations at the Same Time

This will be a post with 2 really opposite content. It's just that this 2 things are occurring at the same time to me. At one end, I have this friend (I consider her more of an acquaintance actually since I don't really know her) who I just want to tell her to stay away from me; at the other end, I have this friend who seems to kind of ended our relationship just like that. How can this happen to me, both at the same time too? *Puzzled*

So I've came up with a question for my first situation, 'How do you tell someone to buzz off in the friendliest way possible?'. I shall tell you why I'm trying to avoid this particular individual. Let's refer her as Ms. B, as in baby. Now Ms B is a well-known baby in the class (for me at least). I don't know her well, so I guess I actually do not have a right to judge. But (yes there's a but), from my encounters with her, she has just been a pain in the ass literally. Let's take a turn here and begin with a story to help you all understand better. So as you all who have paid close attention to me on Facebook would have known that I'll be flying off to Sydney for my electives next year. *claps* Aussie has been like my dream destination since I was a kid and imagine my happiness when I found out I got in! It was definitely included in my list of top 10 happiest day.

So why bring up that story? You see it all started on one fine day when Ms B suddenly decided she wants to have her electives done in Aussie too. *Groans* She does not ask any of my other 3 friends for info, instead she chose me! *Groans even more* She kept pestering me about this and that. It's ok if you do it once or twice, but to ask me so many times on Facebook, even popping up chats with me all of a sudden, then to make matters worse, she got a hold of my phone number. Then she started sms-ing me, even calling me for the slightest details ever! I mean hello, you're a grown woman right? Haven't you heard of such thing as the INTERNET to find out phone number of the mailing company you want to use to mail your stuff? *Groans*

As fate has it, she got a place too in the SAME hospital as me! *on the verge of crying* I tried so hard to actually discourage her from applying. As it's quite difficult to find accommodation there, I tried to use that, but it failed miserably. Thank goodness she's not gonna stay in the same house as me in Aussie as my house is currently full (hopes it stays that way). Now most of you must be wondering, why do I resent this girl so much? Let's see, I've barely spoken to her over the past 3 years of us being classmates and now she decides she wants to be my close friend? No, thank you. She also has the history of being extremely home sick, crying excessively and just being down. I don't want to be a f*cking baby sitter when I'm in Aussie! I know this is selfish, but this is my trip, my dream destination, I want it my way for once. Is that too much to ask?

So how now? I've chosen the easiest road out now and stopped replying her messages. She's tagging along for sure now. Asking what flight ticket to book, visa, passport, immunization records, criminal records etc. I'm not even close to her and I don't intend to. I just hate it when people who you are not close to suddenly comes and you're like her close friend. So I'm lost now and don't know what to do. *sigh*

Now on to story no 2. Well this has been on my mind for awhile now. Ever since my life took a turn at the end of May this year, lots of drama has unfold and I think I mentioned a few here on my blog too. On the way, I think I kind of lost a friend. Let's face it now, I know I've lost a friend. A friend who was there from the very beginning of my medical journey, spending time listening to my nagging at times, or even medical lectures; hearing me sing when I'm happy, and also cry when I was so sad. Now it's all gone, *poof* just like that.

I always remember him conteng-ing my Facebook wall like all the time, calling up at random times just to say 'hi'. And being the worst friend ever (I've got to admit this), 9/10 times when I find him, I'm always in some sort of trouble/dead end. He was the sweetest thing to me during my 3 years of medical school life, once even miscalling me 32 times just to wake me up in the middle of the night so that I can study. All's gone now I guess.Lost just like that. I tried buzzing him on his wall, I tried commenting on his pictures, I tried sms-ing him even. Guess I was not much of a friend after all. It's as if I'm invisible and if you're reading this, consider me invisible forever than. As I mentioned to you before, it hurts. I've always lived with the belief of 'treating others like how you want to be treated'. I would never treat another friend like that. As for the above situation, I would not go and hassle another person I barely know, acting as if I'm his/her close friend.

So now here I am stuck in 2 of the weirdest situation, 2 completely different situation at once. I'm not the happiest person now, but I think it's my anger talking now. Being in psychiatry posting doesn't help either with me self-diagnosing myself with a new psychiatric disorder every other day. So for now, I'll just sleep on it and tomorrow will be a brighter day. *fingers crossed* Till the next entry!


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